Ocean Semiotics 1 Analytical practicesOcean energies Ocean Semiotics 1 UNCLOS’s extractive development agenda is coming into sharper focus as the deep seabed mining regime…EmbassyMarch 20, 2023
Deep seabed mining Deep-sea mining Deep seabed mining Mining proponents also argue that exploitation of the deep seabed is necessary to source minerals…EmbassyMarch 12, 2023
Imaginary Oceanic Technologies Aqua geo-politics Imaginary Oceanic Technologies Image source: Youru Wu, Dianshi Zhai Pictorial Daketang ban (点石斋画报 大可堂版), issue 14, Shanghai: Shanghai…EmbassyMarch 4, 2023
20th Century Intensification of Marine Animal Extractions Marine animals 20th Century Intensification of Marine Animal Extractions Since the 1900s, human predation on marine beings increased exponentially. The North Atlantic as a…EmbassyFebruary 13, 2023
From Deep Diving to Deep Mining Aqua geo-politics From Deep Diving to Deep Mining In his full-length reportage, writer Xu Chen (2016) describes the Chinese submarine Jiaolong’s (Figure 1)…EmbassyFebruary 12, 2023
“A battery in a rock” Deep-sea mining “A battery in a rock” NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) adds critical detail: “They are called manganese nodules…EmbassyJanuary 12, 2023
The Historic Decline of Pre-industrial Fisheries FisheriesMarine animals The Historic Decline of Pre-industrial Fisheries The History of Marine Animals project (HMAP) measured the number of marine animals taken from…EmbassyJanuary 10, 2023